NC-S8051 Polyether Anti-Mud Agent
(Anti-flocculant Form)

NC-S8051 is a polyether product with anti-mud and anti-flocculant performance developed according to market demand on the original process, which further improves the product adaptability of anti-mud series products in different regions at home and abroad. The introduction of functional groups in the synthesis process of NC-S8051 not only retains the original anti-mud properties, but also has a certain destructive effect on the flocculant formed by the flocculant introduced into the concrete by production sand, which can significantly improve the problems of large viscosity, slump loss and low end-term strength of concrete caused by flocculant. It can be widely used in various types of concrete with high mud content and flocculant.

Product FeaturesTechnical Principle

Product Features

  • Excellent mud resistance: By shielding the continuous adsorption of water reducing agent by soil particles, it can effectively solve the problem of concrete time loss caused by high mud and gravel content.
  • Flocculation resistance: By disturbing the colloidal charge and breaking flocculation, it can significantly improve the problems of fast concrete slump loss and poor pumping performance caused by flocculant.
  • Good workability: the special dispersion mechanism can have a certain dispersion effect on other particles except cement, which can significantly improve the workability of concrete, especially for materials such as washed sand with high stone powder content and poor quality, it can significantly improve the wrapping and cohesion of concrete, and improve the initial slump of concrete.
  • Economy: Excellent anti-mud and anti-flocculation performance, can significantly reduce the raw material cost of finished water reducing agent, improve the comprehensive performance of the product, and enhance the economic profit of the product.

Technical Principle

  • This product is a polyether type anti-mud agent, which has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups, with high dispersion and water reduction effect, the electrostatic force between the molecules of the product on the cement particles is three-dimensional, effectively improve the workability in the concrete construction process, and show the advantage of slow release in terms of mud resistance, improve the slump retention of concrete.

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